magnesia ad sipylumの例文


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  1. Archelaus had attacked a city called Magnesia ad Sipylum or Magnesia on the Maeander.
  2. Pliny reports that Tantalis was destroyed by an earthquake and the city of Sipylus ( Magnesia ad Sipylum ) was built in its place.
  3. Between 261 244 BC in Magnesia ad Sipylum, he is noted in writing a letter about land allotments granted to soldiers and he was honored at Tralles.
  4. In 191 BC, however, the Romans under Magnesia ad Sipylum ( 190 BC ), following the defeat of Hannibal at sea off Side, delivered Asia Minor into their hands.
  5. During the 16th century, the see of the metropolis moved to Teira ( modern Tire ), while probably during the late 17th century it was transferred to Magnesia ad Sipylum ( modern Manisa ).


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